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For a long time, Abletech has been walking on a single
path of developing, manufacturing, and supplying
the sensors for the safety of vehicle and industry.

Smart Car

It is a ultrasonic sensor module
and vehicle detection technology
with the a mobile device
such as smartphones. This technology
allows users to control various

functions and to check information
generated in the vehicle using
applicant in
mobile device
such as a smart phone without
actually touching the vehicle.

able Tech CO., LTD. #C818, 7, Beobwon-ro 11-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (Munjeong-dong, Hyundai Knowledge Industrial Center)
TEL : +82 2 3400 0815(0818) / +82 2 6285 3385 FAX : +82 2 6499 3385 E-mail : jskim0592@naver.com
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