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For a long time, Abletech has been walking on a single
path of developing, manufacturing, and supplying
the sensors for the safety of vehicle and industry.

Smart Factory

Smart Factory is an intelligent
factory that uses ICT technology in
the production
process, thereby
allowing to monitor or manage anywhere.
Furthermore, active wireless communication

is available in the equipment,
therefore wireless frequency can
be used to remotely control robot

in dangerous facilities for repair,
identify, and monitor the place or

human safety.

Factory automation, smart factory solution

able Tech CO., LTD. #C818, 7, Beobwon-ro 11-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (Munjeong-dong, Hyundai Knowledge Industrial Center)
TEL : +82 2 3400 0815(0818) / +82 2 6285 3385 FAX : +82 2 6499 3385 E-mail : jskim0592@naver.com
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